Safari Travel Apps & Guides
When I was a full time safari guide I used to have a box full of different books on my vehicle, books on birds, mammals, insects, snakes, trees and a few others to refer to and show my guests - quite a heavy box, and certainly not one to travel with! Now in the digital and technological age all of this information is covered in some fantastic e-guides and apps for smartphones and tablets. In addition to references for fauna & flora, there are some very useful apps to help with your daily itinerary and plans.
Here are a few apps you may consider getting before your next trip!
WETU Itinerary App

The Wetu Personal Itinerary App allows you to take your full travel itinerary [which we create with our tour operator software] with you on your vacation. Dump your paper documents and travel light, with your full trip plan, reference codes, contact numbers, hotel / activity descriptions and reviews, notes and travel arrangements all at your finger-tips. We send you a specific code for your itinerary and it becomes your daily diary... Give it a try, download the app and enter the code GTGNRQ
Roberts VII Multimedia Birds of Southern Africa

The Roberts Multimedia Birds of Southern Africa is a comprehensive and interactive application that combines multimedia data on 968 Southern African bird species with seven interactive modules for every aspect of mobile birding. The app can be used as a FIELD GUIDE (like the book), or as a BIRD LIST, with essential functions 'open bird page', play bird sound', 'add to list' and 'view similar birds' available directly in each module.
$32 approx
eGuide to Birds of East Africa

The eGuide to Birds of East Africa is an interactive companion to Terry Stevenson and John Fanshawe's Birds of East Africa field guide – the essential guide for birdwatchers visiting this spectacular region. It covers Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. This application has specific features that will enhance your birding experience.
$40 approx
Mammals of the Southern African Subregion [Smithers]

This eGuide, taken from the comprehensive physical volume of Smithers, covers all mammals that occur naturally on the African mainland south of the Cunene and Zambezi rivers, and also in the subregion's coastal waters. It includes the latest data from mammal research in southern Africa along with the radical taxonomic changes across all levels of mammalian classification. Containing contributions from specialists on each mammalian order, each species description has been reviewed by a range of independent and internationally recognised authorities. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date survey of southern-African mammals and forms an essential reference for zoologists, evolutionary biologists and anyone wanting an overview of the region's wildlife.
$20 approx
The Kingdon Guide to African Mammals [East & Southern Africa]

This interactive version of Jonathan Kingdon’s Pocket Guide to African Mammals is an essential field guide for those visiting and living in Africa with an interest in its wildlife. It covers all African land mammals, with some of the smaller mammal groups portrayed generically. Features images, distribution maps and text descriptions of over 460 species found throughout Africa. You can select a specific African country/region, so that the lists of species throughout the program display only the species in your region.
$20 approx
eTrees of Southern Africa

This interactive version of Braam and Piet van Wyk’s Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa is an essential field guide for those visiting and living in the region with an interest in tree species. It describes over 840 of the more common and accessible tree species found in the Southern African region. This guide has species arranged in 43 logical groups based on easy-to-observe leaf and stem characteristics.
$20 approx