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Our South Africa safari exceeded our expectation by leaps

Jamie Thom

It was an amazing trip... only having been on Safari this time at (2) different lodges, I highly recommended the Sabi Sands as it has the Sand River and that water source draws animals from miles and miles away. It was not uncommon to see herds of elephants of 30-50 come to drink in the river.

I also cannot thank Jamie Thom of Conservation Safari Company to help us plan it. I started in 2018 for a 2020 trip that as we know, was Covid Cancelled. But it took time and calls with Jamie to nail down what we wanted and a budget for us that worked. Right now, there are some deals offering 4 nites for the price of 3 in 2022 These places are not cheap per say, but everything is included. We checked out and had a ZERO balance bill. Meals, laundry, drinks, stocked mini bar in the room.. etc

There was no wanting anything.. it exceeded our expectation by leaps.

Then there is a game sightings.. there are no fences anywhere and game comes and goes, but the Sand river is the draw as its the water source to drink. I am hoping to return in 2023 with my son and daughter to share that experience. email Jamie if interested to just get info and start some thinking... I know it took us months to nail down where to go, as they have such a wide offering. < Thanks -Karl G -



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